Sunday, September 05, 2004

Mosquito nets

Picture this... you are lying in bed at camp/in a tent/at the cottage and a mosquito starts buzzing around your head.  Has to be one of the most annoying things in the whole world, right?  You can't see to kill it, but you can't let it continue to drive you crazy because it's buzzing right in your ear and you won't get any sleep.  So, you get out of bed and turn on the light, and the mosquito flies to the light and you can't reach it to kill it anymore.  You turn out the light, get back into bed, and the cycle starts all over again.  Brutal.

Mosquito nets are honestly a gift from God... they are helping me to get back at all of those Muskoka mosquitos who have tormented me for years.  They are also saving my life from malaria, but that knowledge is not nearly as rewarding as lying in bed, hearing the mosquito buzzing around you, and knowing that there is no possible way it can get in your ear or bite you.

Take that, mosquitoes.  Victory is mine.
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