Saturday, July 31, 2004

Vwaza Marsh

Today, I went with 7 other people to visit the Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve.  This is just a little bit north-east of Ekwendeni, so it didn't take us that long to get there.  We left Ekwendeni at 5 am this morning... Holy cow, that's early.  I got to see the sunrise, though, and it was beautiful.  The park was also gorgeous - just like scenes out of The Lion King.  Awesome.  We went on three game drives with a guide each time (the first time he had a massive rifle... scary), and saw lots of animals each time.  There were always tons of hippos in and out of the water... just lovely.  We also saw kudus (a type of antelope), impalas, baboons, pukus, lots of birds and elephants.  My goodness did we see elephants.  On our second game drive, we watched an elephant by the water for a while... until he started to charge at us.  Good word those animals are big and fast when they want to be.  I was pretty glad to be in a vehicle.  I got some good pictures :).  On the third drive, we saw 5 or 6 elephants moving together away from the water.  They were in a little bit of bush, but we could still see them from the vehicle.  Eventually, this one mother elephant (who was with a baby elephant) off to our left started to charge at us, so we started to drive... except that the road went straight between this elephant and the other elephants.  Right.  This was even more frightening than the previous incident.  One of the elephants even trumpeted at us!  Scary.

But, I made it home and lived to tell the tale.  On the drive home, we saw the sun set and the moon rise - both as lovely as the sun rise this morning.  B-e-a-utiful.
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