Friday, July 30, 2004

O Canada!

Hi there, friends... It has been a pretty low-key week in Ekwendeni this week.  Hence no blog updates in a bit.  Sorry about that.  Work continues on... I spent most of my time with the AIDS Programme this week, which was really interesting.

Anyway, the exciting news today (about which I just had to write home) was that I saw 3 - not 1, but 3 - signs of Canada today.  First of all, I saw someone wearing a Hockey Hall of Fame t-shirt.  Then (this one is the best one), I saw someone wearing a Tim Horton's visor.  It took a bit to explain why I was so excited about this, but whatevs.  Still so cool.  And then I saw a kid wearing a Maple Leafs jersey.  At least he was cheering for the right team - not Ottawa :).  Even so far away from Canada, I am constantly reminded of wonderful things at home... like Timmy's iced cappuccinos and Boston cream doughnuts.
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